Investor FAQs

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Where is RBB Bancorp’s corporate headquarters?
RBB Bancorp is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.
Where is the company incorporated?
The company is incorporated in California.
When did RBB Bancorp go public? What was the price?
RBB Bancorp priced its initial public offering on July 25, 2017 at $23.00 per share.
What is RBB Bancorp’s fiscal year?
RBB Bancorp’s fiscal year ends December 31.
How is RBB Bancorp’s stock traded?
RBB Bancorp’s common stock is quoted on NASDAQ under the symbol RBB.
Does RBB Bancorp pay dividends?
Yes, RBB Bancorp anticipates to pay quarterly dividends. There is no obligation to pay dividends and the dividend policy may change at any time without notice to shareholders.
What is the current dividend rate for RBB Bancorp common stock?
To see the current and historical dividend rates, please visit the dividends page under Stock Information.
Does RBB Bancorp offer Direct Deposit of dividends?
Shareholders can arrange to have their dividends directly deposited through the transfer agent.
Does RBB Bancorp have a dividend reinvestment plan and how can I participate?
No, there is no dividend reinvestment plan at this time.
Who is RBB Bancorp’s transfer agent?
RBB Bancorp’s transfer agent is Issuer Direct.
Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?
Please email Issuer Direct at or call 919-744-2722. Alternatively, please email or call 714-670-2400 and ask for investor relations.
How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?
Please email Issuer Direct at or call 919-744-2722.
Does RBB Bancorp have a direct stock purchase plan?
No, there is no direct stock purchase plan at this time.
Who is RBB Bancorp’s auditor?
Crowe, LLP.
Who is RBB Bancorp’s legal counsel?
Loren P. Hansen, APC.
Where can I find out more about RBB Bancorp?
Please visit the Investor Overview page.
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
How can I view documents RBB Bancorp has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Please visit the SEC filings page.
Who makes up the RBB Bancorp Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
Please visit the officers page and directors page.
What Analysts track RBB Bancorp at this current time?
Piper Sandler & Co
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Stephens Inc.
Janney Montgomery Scott
How can I obtain a copy of your annual report and proxy?
Copies of the annual report and proxy can be downloaded from the annual report page.